VEDA - ok I'll give it a try
Today is April 3rd- I'll give blogging weekly a try. I thought about everyday but couldn't possibly commit to that. I am on a journey to losing 5-10 lbs and then running three times weekly. I also need to find a program to join.
A lot swirling around me. Jason just told me daycare for his daughter will be $600 per month... yikes will can't help him. Plus his mother in law has cancer and his sitter quit. I feel for them but I've been helping and I'm trying to recoup from his 2013-4 battles.
Kevin's daughter is applying to schools they can't afford. Don't use me in your application cause listing my salary isn't helpful. If you really want to go to Simmons- live at home, get an education while your father helps. Apply to schools you can afford.
My moms refinance rests on Ramon so this is difficult. Don't know what to do. And me- work and waiting to hear about my promotion and next steps for me.
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