Commuter rail musings: 30 day challenge

My thirty day challenge begins today! I thought I would embark on a vegan challenge. But I'm not sure I'm there yet so I am tweaking the challenge to eliminating red meat from dinner since that's the only time I ever eat red meat. Then altering my lunch to a raw/veggie only lunch. Same for breakfast, oatmeal, smoothie or fruit,

While typing this out, In pretty close to having this type of diet already. So I need to eliminate junk like chips, dessert. I also need to limit alcohol intake to 1 glass per day if at all and two on Saturday if at all.  The however will need to be exercise. In going to start the focust25 and running. Starting my couch to 5k all over again.

There goes my planning. Living a live of plans may not be living at all but hey, I have goals. I have to go back through my 40to40 and start strategizing how to achieve these goals! 


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