Morning train series
Figuring out one's place seems to be a daunting and never ending challenge. I suppose this is a challenge that have confounded man since the beginning of time. At 37, I yearn and I seek... It seems never ending. I tried with education, career and now it's this 40-2-40... I know God is calling me and has been for a long time. For over I year I've been called and tested... My faith increased and I found my strength and heard Gods voice. I am however filled with unforgiveness, something I've had to grapple with over the past year. My brothers crazy baby's mother sent him an email saying I forgive you... I was so angry at the hypocrisy - how do you forgive a lie you started? How do you forgive the pain you caused? But then God spoke to me on this train ride! I pray for her soul! I pray for peace! And God forgives! It is said and done.
So going back to my search and yearning. Gods love and protection will fill the void. Gods direction will guide me. "I can do anything in Christ. I understand the power of Christ.
Thank you God.
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